Posts Tagged 'Barista Championships'

Auckland Barista Champs – Run Down


 It has been 2 days now and I think I have had enough time to regain the energy that was lost over the weekend.


Firstly, what a great event. The day was run well – very well, big ups to Emma and the team. And it was a long day. Auckland having 25 positions made it fun for everyone to get their routines in within the day but it worked.

First place going to Tafa from Mojo Cafe – he had a solid routine, much to be expected from previous years. The aromas of the signature beverage as the smoke hit the ceiling were so very elegant. I would have liked to try the drink.

Myself, I was on 6th that morning – I am glad i went then as the rest of the day was enjoyable watching the other routines. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see Ryan’s (2nd) or Gloria’s (3rd) routine which was a bit disappointing as they obviously did well.

I felt confident in my routine and upon talking with the judges afterwards I have seen where I can improve and really look forward to next year. On a more personal note – my espresso’s were a tad short but still around 23ml, however – as I hadn’t aged my coffee enough a few characteristics were lost in the cups profile. Same with my cappuccino’s… I was however happy with my signature beverage but see that more could be done from a creative point of view.

The machinery was pristine, Allpress did an amazing job with both the venue, and ensuring the performance and high standard of their equipment.

Look forward to seeing the finals, After watching Tafa and speaking to Lui, the result should be interesting.

I will post some photo’s soon, but for now I’ll leave it here.